Building a remarketing list: 4 top lists you should import

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Building a remarketing list: 4 top lists you should import

One of the best digital marketing methods for driving conversions is remarketing. It entails showing ads to people who visited your website but only stopped a couple of steps from converting. However, creating remarketing lists is never easy. This post outlines top four lists you should import from Google Analytics to prepare a comprehensive remarketing list.

Pick lists of people who visited and took over 30 seconds on the homepage

People who took longer at your website indicate inherent interest in your product or service and are more likely to buy compared to others who took a few seconds. They might have looked at the product, read clients comments, or even went all the way but only failed to convert.

On your Google Analytics, visit Admin Section and select lists. Then, select create a new remarketing list and then create my list using segments. Then, navigate to the behaviour section and set the duration of higher than 30-seconds. After saving the list, you can utilize it in the AdWords account linked to your Analytics.

Visitors from a specific geo area with highest sales

If you have an e-commerce tracking set on Google analytics, it is possible to retrieve geographic level information. You can use this information to know the area that gave the highest conversion for your brand. After figuring this, you can proceed with a highly effective remarketing strategy.

Construct a remarketing list that includes all people from a specific geo area who took more than 30 seconds on the website. Then, import the list in Google AdWords for the specific group for the remarketing campaign. Remember to exclude all the people who have converted to only target those with the highest potential.

Utilize Google Smart Lists

Though this is a new method, it is a great way to test new accounts. Utilizing past conversion info of business, Analytics will estimate the people with a greater likelihood of converting in future marketing. When you remarket to this list, the requisite budget per user will be optimized to drive higher conversion. On the Google Analytics account, go to Admin>remarketing>lists>allow Google to manage my list for me>remarketing type. Then hit save and you will be able to test new clients immediately.

Visitors who visited specific pages of your sales

The best people to target in your remarketing are those who have visited various sales pages on your site. In this category, you can consider visitors who looked at your products or services, those who checked on costs, shipping, and special offers, as well as those who added several components to the shopping cart but failed to convert.

To approach these people, it is advisable to get a custom lead generation strategy depending on what they were doing. For users who checked on specific sales pages, the best strategy is retargeting them with special offers or additional info to bridge the missing link that made them fail to convert. For people who dropped at the stage of a shopping cart, the best method is split testing solutions to ensure they complete the purchases.