Impossible Marketing new training centre at International Plaza

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Impossible Marketing new training centre at International Plaza

After 3 weeks of renovation, our new training centre is ready!

Impossible Marketing new training centre is located at #36-05A of International Plaza.
Impossible Marketing new training centre is located at #36-05A of International Plaza.

Well, why move here? This is the story…..

Firstly, we love Parkmall Shopping Centre as there are 3 MRT lines connecting to it (very rare in Singapore).

Our training centre at Parkmall
Our training centre at Parkmall

However, Parkmall is closing down for renovation starting 30th Sept 2016. It may take 2-3 years to be completed.

The last photo we took at Parkmall before it got demolish.

We have no choice but to move on. Thankfully, we found a new office and the renovation starts immediately.

Everything is in a mess.

These are our renovation contractors! Rushing day and night for our new training centre.

Well, if you are wondering, the guy in the centre (Alan) also helps in the renovation.

After 3 weeks of hard work and it is finally done!

Training room 1
Can use as seminar too!
Training room 2 (a smaller room)
Yes, can use it for seminar too!
Our walkway with water dispenser, biscuits, mints and lockers.
Our security camera on every angle.

When we are not utilising the room, it will be available for rent.

Feel free to contact us at 9845 5111 if you are looking for training room rental. We will be glad to rent our newly renovated training room to you!