Top 5 ways to get more traffic to your website
Posted on: July 19, 2015
Having a website with no traffic to write home about is akin to having a shop with no customers stopping by. It doesn’t matter what you have in stock or the best offers you have if people are not in the know. It can be frustrating and at times catastrophic. A website is like a window through which the world sees you. You choose if you have a big or small window for the world to see you. Once you have taken care of the technical aspect of your website, it’s about time you focus your energy on how you can increase traffic to your website and achieve your objectives.
Focus on creating quality content rather than ads
Ever been repulsed from a site because all you see are ads and no content? If yes, then you know populating your site with ads doesn’t increase traffic to it. On the contrary, it serves to drive it away. Google has a preference for sites with useful content as opposed to sites that are about self enrichment and have nothing useful to offer visitors. As such, you need to work on creating content that visitors will find useful and which will prompt them to share on social media. By so doing, you gain more traffic.
Build an email list
Creating an email list is a sure traffic generation method. Getting people to opt in your list means they are interested in the service or product you are offering. Every time you send an email, they will always click the link and see what’s in store for them. It’s the beauty of promoting to a target market. However, you need to continuously maintain your relationship with your mailing list and provide them with valuable information on the product or service you are offering. Bottom line is; this is a great to invest in email marketing to generate more traffic.
Purpose to use a paid hosted domain
With a free domain, you don’t have control on the kind of ads placed on your website and this might hurt your brand. While people resort to free domains because of their budget, nowadays we have hosting for as little as 5 dollars a month. With free domain, up time is not guaranteed and you don’t have access to customer support should anything arise. The fact that your site might be up today and down tomorrow will definitely hurt your brand. With a hosted domain, you decide what is placed as an ad and work towards maintaining your loyal visitors and keep the traffic streaming as there won’t be any interruptions.
Yes. You heard me right. Paid search can increase traffic to your website in ways you never imagined. While focusing on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) would work wonders in the long run, if you are seeking for immediate traffic, then paid search is the remedy. Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising by Google can help you get traffic on certain keywords and if done right increase conversions.
Get interactive on social media
Generating great content is not enough if you can’t have people read them. You need to share your posts on various social media platforms and have people read them. The more engaging and informative they are; the more shares you will get and ultimately, the increased traffic to your website. So, don’t neglect on social media marketing.