After Google integrated Panda update into its normal indexing process, what can Webmasters do to improve their search ranking?

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After Google integrated Panda update into its normal indexing process, what can Webmasters do to improve their search ranking?

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Major site engines such as Google have been launching significant changes in the web aiming for a better search results. One of the most recent developments and changes that Google embarked on is he Panda update. There are various SEO ranking issues that have been raised in connection with Panda updates integrated by Google particularly for its normal indexing processes.

Video Question

This question was brought to Google attention:

“Recently Google has integrated the Panda update to its normal indexing process. How will Webmaster know whether her site is affected by Panda update? And, if the site is already hit, how will the site recover from Panda update?”

Video Highlights

Google Webmaster share information and points regarding Panda update:

  • Google experts explained that Panda update is an update in their system that has already been ruled out a couple of years ago.
  • The main goal of the Panda update is to target lower quality content websites and rank them lower.
  • With the latest Panda changes, there weren’t a lot of changes and if there are any, these were quite small or incremental.
  • With the small changes happening with Panda updates, Google experts eventually decided to integrate Panda with the normal indexing process instead of being in the screen data push where updates are made every month or at a regular time.
  • Google encouraged users to check out some of the basic guidelines on Panda updates particularly on sorts of signals which are looked into whenever Google tries to assess quality within Panda.

In order to improve your online marketing campaign, you should:

  • Come up with high quality, compelling and interesting contents that users love to read.
  • Make sure you eliminate duplicate contents in your web page or site and come up with new and unique ideas in order to deal with Panda updates especially in cases when your site is already hit.
  • Refresh your knowledge about Panda updates and how you can deal with this system update integrated in Google’s normal indexing process. Though it may sound intimidating, having the proper knowledge about this system update could help you learn the ways to boost your page ranking upfront.
  • Make sure you are also familiar with Google Penguin and Google Hummingbird updates.