DualKeyCondo.com found on page 1 number 1 of Google

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DualKeyCondo.com found on page 1 number 1 of Google

Few months back, a student of mine wanted to build a property website.
As she has limited time to build, i recommended her build a niche property website.

In the end, she choose the topic on “Dual Key Condo”.

Number of searches for “Dual Key Condo” for Broad, Exact, Phrase Match Types.

Today, her website sits firmly on page 1 of Google (even though i feel that there is still so much to improve on her website. No social media, no video link, etc etc. Haha).

Ranked page 1 number 1 in Google.com.sg

Having said that, she is also ranked page 1 number 1 in Google.com

Ranked page 1 number 1 in Google.com

In Q4 2012, Google has updated their algorithm to devalue Exact Match Domain.
Exact Match Domain means, the domain name is exactly the same as what the user searches. (Example: “How to lose weight”, so the domain name is “www.howtoloseweight.com”). It was speculate that this affects 2.4 percent of English search queries. Some website drop from page 1 to page 6. DualKeyCondo.com is also an Exact Match Domain website. However, if you do SEO the correct way (white hat SEO), you don’t have to worry about such update. DualKeyCondo.com is of course not affected.

For more information on Exact Match Domain changes, you can watch this video below.

YouTube video