Our First Shoptiq E-commerce Course Was A Smashing Success!

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Our First Shoptiq E-commerce Course Was A Smashing Success!

If you haven’t already heard – we have just concluded our very first training session featuring our latest Shoptiq e-commerce course!

Ever since we were chosen to be the EXCLUSIVE training provider of Singtel’s Shoptiq course – our Digital Marketing Agency has been hustling hard to prepare for this day.

Starting things off with a bang – we recently conducted a free networking session for our students to experience the course before its official launch to the public!

A huge shout-out to all our students for being such an attentive crowd, as well as to both of our amazing trainers – Amelia and Jabez!

Enough talking, we’ll let the pictures do the rest.

We know learning saps up plenty of brain power – and what better way to refuel than a delicious buffet spread after class!

A fruitful and productive session to add to the list – both for our students, as well as our new trainers!

Feeling FOMO? Not to worry, we are stoked to be adding Shoptiq into our expanding list of Digital Marketing Courses – so be sure to follow our page for updates and book your slot early!

By the end of the session, you will be able to get your online store LIVE and officially be your own boss – alongside a hella good time!