September Team Bonding: Time to Score at Pool Ball!

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September Team Bonding: Time to Score at Pool Ball!

Team Impossible is looking to settle some scores by heading outdoors this month! Being an SEO consultant means being the experts in Search – which found its way to an exciting session of Pool Ball!

Starting the games off in the office, the team was first challenged to a spelling bee contest and followed by a game of classic charades – our Digital Marketing Agency is made up of a strong team of writers, project managers and social strategists – but it’s never certain who will end up winning every time.

After warming up the brains, it’s time to work the body! Making our way down to the next destination, we were each assigned to 2 teams to battle it out at a game of Pool Ball!

The rules are pretty much the same as the regular pool game, albeit with a simply twist: simply get all the designated balls into the holes – except you can ONLY use your legs this time.

Enough talking: watch till the end of the video to see our colleagues getting sabo-ed with the introduction of power cards – it’s pretty evil but darn hilarious!

YouTube video

We definitely had a ball (no pun intended), and it’s always refreshing to try something different and get moving after sitting around in the office all day!

That’s all from us for now – word has it that the October team organizers already have something up their sleeves for the upcoming event this week!

In the meantime, are you ready for the announcement of our Digital Marketing Course schedule for 2020?