We Won The Local Hero Award For Independent Agency Of The Year 2021!

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We Won The Local Hero Award For Independent Agency Of The Year 2021!

We Won The Local Hero Award For Independent Agency Of The Year 2021!

We Won The Local Hero Award For Independent Agency Of The Year 2021!

As the annual awards season came around, our team at Impossible Marketing was crossing our fingers hoping for another success story to add to our Search Marketing Agency of The Year 2020 award. Now that the ceremony is over, we are delighted to announce that we have been named the winner of the Local Hero Award for Independent Agency of The Year 2021. With this win, we are over the moon to add another feather to our cap, building on our previous year’s success.

How this all came to be

If you are unfamiliar with the Agency of the Year Awards, allow us to share some details about this annual event. This year’s Marketing-Interactive’s Agency of The Year Awards is the event’s 14th iteration, and the ceremony is designed to reward and recognise the efforts put in by the various marketing and advertising agencies in Singapore.

Since the event’s inception in 2008, this award ceremony has always aimed to shine a light on the top-performing agencies that have produced outstanding works for their clients. However, it is not just an agency’s work alone that determines success. The companies that have demonstrated exceptional innovation and creativity in pushing this industry forward are also recognised for their contributions.

The Independent Agency of The Year Award, in particular, aims to honour the marketing agencies that are not part of an agency network or large conglomerate. Every entry in this category is ascertained by an independent panel of judges comprised of well-respected figures in the marketing industry. Every piece of work is judged on a selection of criteria: the agency’s business performance, campaign success, staff development and retention, and contribution to the industry. Points are allocated to each criterion, with the highest-scoring agency in this shortlist crowned the winner of the Local Hero Award.

How we felt about our achievement

When our founder and managing owner, Alan Koh, was asked about his thoughts on the win, he had this to say, “As a local company without external funding, Impossible Marketing is honoured to triumph in this category ahead of our illustrious peers in the industry. This award is an affirmation of our work and the strides we have made over the years.”

Indeed, our digital marketing agency has seen tremendous growth since its inception. Back in 2012, Impossible Marketing was only manned by Alan himself, but we have since expanded to a 40-pax team that operates in Singapore and other regions of Asia.  Throughout the years, we have continued to make significant contributions that led to the advancement of the digital marketing industry, so we are proud to see our achievements recognised with consecutive awards in 2020 and 2021.

However, without the collective efforts of our reliable teams in Singapore and Asia, as well as our clients who put their unwavering trust in us, we would not have achieved this monumental feat. As such, we will like to thank everyone involved with us for this accomplishment.

What is next for Impossible Marketing

It feels great to see our efforts recognised with this award. This win lets us know that we are heading in the right direction. Moreover, it has re-energised us, making us more motivated for what is to come. We are actively looking to find new areas to grow, improve our system, and revamp our established approaches. Lastly, and most importantly, we aim never to stop learning so that we can continue to grow and exceed our clients’ expectations.

This Local Hero Award represents our team’s growth and how much more we can still accomplish in this industry. As we look ahead to the remainder of 2021 and beyond, we look forward to more fruitful partnerships with new and existing clients. If you are interested in collaborating with us, don’t hesitate to contact us at +65 9374 0111! Our agency offers a suite of digital marketing solutions, such as our social media marketing and SEO services, to meet your company’s marketing needs.

Nadiah Nizom

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Nadiah Nizom

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Nadiah is a versatile writer with over two years of experience, specialising in developing SEO-optimised content across various industries. With a knack for crafting content that aligns with brand identity, her focus lies in driving traffic and bolstering search engine rankings. Nadiah's expertise spans SEO content marketing, press release copywriting, and lifestyle journalism.

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