How to get your content indexed faster by Google?

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How to get your content indexed faster by Google?

Many online marketers and bloggers only publish their posts or page content for their sites and sit back waiting for it to show in organic SEO search. However, this could take some time. A more savvy method is ensuring that new content is added in XML sitemap and submitting the sitemaps to Google.

With Google, “Fetch as Google” works like a magic button because your page content will be crawled in about 24-48 hours. In some cases, pages have been crawled in less than 10 minutes. Here is how to go about using this very important but rarely used “Fetch as Google” tool.

Importance of getting your content and pages crawled as fast as possible

  • Makes Google understand you like the content originator: When you use “Fetch as Google”, the competitors will not have time to present similar content as the main originator. Figure out a scenario where Google crawls page A once every 2 days and another competitor page B 2 times a day. If site A Publishes a post and site B posts a related post later in the day that gets crawled immediately, in the eyes of Google, site B will look like the originator.
  • Your pages will be available immediately to your client: This means that the information you want to sell, e-commerce products, reviews, or other useful information can be used promptly. For example, if you have released a new post about a new product in the market, your clients will access it and start buying right away. If you sit back and wait, the wasted time could have been used to make your post viral.

How to use Fetch as Google after publishing content

Go to Google Webmaster Tools

The first and the most important step is getting your webmaster account and visit the page to select the domain home, expand the Google bots crawl menu, and then click the “Fetch as Google” link.

Fetch as Google

Add the blog or page with the new content URL in the fetch field. At this stage, you will also be able to see the remaining fetches. Remember that that once you fetch, it could take a couple of minutes to process. Make sure to confirm that the fetch was successful before moving from the page.

Click submit button to index your page

If Google bots can fetch the page well, you can also submit it for indexing. Next to the success icon with a green tick, hit the button indicated Submit to Index. The user can submit the page as URL or include all pages that are linked to it. “Fetch as Google” limits you to 500 URLs every week on your Webmaster Tools Account.


Using “Fetch as Google” is a secret marketing trick that will help to take all your content to the searches faster. Make sure to have “Fetch as Google” in the checklist of every post so that you will always be ahead of competitors, get better ranking, and drive more traffic.