3 critical tips on writing great blog content for your readers
Posted on: March 29, 2016
Essentially, content is the backbone of a great online marketing onslaught. Technically, content marketers are at war with each other, search engines and tricks are haphazard to your entire marketing strategy. What are the ingredients necessary for writing great content? First, it is good to mention that the biggest mistake you can make is decorating your site with duplicate content. At some point, readers will notice. Google will notice. It will be the last time you get to exhibit your supposedly highly inspired work – your site will be penalized for such gimmicks. We don’t want that, do we?
Never rely on duplicate content, create your own
A long subheading in the negative is meant to dissuade readers here from even thinking of working with duplicate content. If it’s a consolation, great content is a beginning to an all rounded success on your site. Readers will keep coming back for more and Google can’t help but notice subsequently ranking you higher. Getting to the first page of Google is a whole different story in itself but you have to begin somewhere. Originality extends to the ideas shared through your blog posts. They should be well researched and relevantly created to suit a niche you stand for on your site. You should source for high-grade content that will keep on giving for years to come.
The headline
The headline is the door to a reader’s heart for great content. Also, headlines are noticed by search engines quite easily. A catchy, interesting heading will definitely capture the reader’s attention and imagination. Credible online facts indicate that 80% of readers will read the headline but only a dismal 20% will dive into the content. Why? The headline was not motivation enough to read the rest of the content. You have to be creative and generous with your headline on behalf of regular and prospective readers.
For instance here is a great headline:
The shocking truth why your site will never make it to the first page of Google!
Let’s face it truth hurts, but this headline arouses the reader’s attention to want to read more even if they are afraid of what they might discover in the content. For this case, it can attract readers who are keen to know more about SEO and why they failed to rank. The bottom line is that you have to take your time with headlines. You could even write few headlines and choose the best that suits your content.
Let readers find relevance and actionable points
The content you write should whet the reader’s appetite for great content while at the same time prove useful to them. If they choose to dive right into your great content, then it should be worth their while. It shouldn’t be about reading between the lines but rather direct matter of fact points they can apply in their own lives or careers. The creative aspect of writing should be incorporated to make the article sweet. In most cases, blog posts are meant to advise readers and advising readers is what your blog content should do.
A non-fiction piece of content is meant to help the readers become better. There are more tips that writers could use in the blog writing efforts. The three represent the most relevant and critical in any piece of blog writing.