4 types of web traffic that help to grow your business
Posted on: August 5, 2015
Any business entity that does not have an online presence is in fact limiting its own success as almost every customers is on the Internet. Everyday there are billions of customers searching for products and services online. Creating a business website is therefore a very important undertaking. However, creating a website is one thing and generating web traffic another.
In this article, we zoom into 4 types of Internet marketing web traffic that positively impact the growth of your business.
Direct traffic
When we talk of direct traffic, we are referring to traffic from people who already know of your website and therefore come to it directly from their browsers. Direct traffic is usually a consequence of a strong brand and online presence. Consequently, direct traffic is usually as a result of repeat visits or offline advertisement initiatives. For instance, people can directly visit your website directly from the address they get from flyers, sign posts and even business cards.
Social media traffic
As the name implies, this is the kind of traffic generated from social media marketing platforms such as Google +, Facebook, Twitter and many others. Basically, individuals on social media come across your website and visit it for further information or to get acquainted with your products and services. This kind of traffic is mostly influenced by how active you are on social media and the kind of content you post there. By building a strong community of social followers, you can get a chunk of the over 1 billion active users on social media networks.
Referral traffic
Generally, referral traffic is as a result of external links that if clicked direct people to your website. If for instance you contribute posts to popular websites and place links to your website in them. Every time a person clicks on those links, they are directed to your website. The more external links you have on other websites, the higher the number of referral traffic.
Organic traffic
Organic traffic is the kind you receive to your website when people find it through the use of search engines such as Bing, Google or Yahoo. This is commonly known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO). This kind of traffic is dependent on how well your site is optimized to rank better on search engines. You can make use of on page SEO and off page SEO to make your site rank higher in search engines and increase the prospects of receiving organic traffic. If you have no knowledge of technical SEO, you can always enlist the services of a webmaster or professional to properly optimize your website and make them receive high organic traffic.