Google To Stop Updating Its Search Results?

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Google To Stop Updating Its Search Results?

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If you have been using the internet and visiting websites for a very long time, you would notice that search engine results let’s say on Google, tend to produce different lists every so often. This may or may not affect you if you are online just to read or view posts. However, the ever changing search results may affect the rankings of those online marketing companies who manage, own or maintain a website for business. A lot of people are asking when and if Google will really stop changing things in terms of search result production. Video Highlights:

  • The answer to the question: When will Google stop updating its search results? Is NEVER! Google will always be changing things up depending as deemed necessary.
  • Google is always on the lookout for new search trends and behaviors. This means that they monitor how people post their searches on this search engine – if they are using more of a phrase, conversational sentences or a single word kind of query.
  • Change is a great way to prepare for harder queries from people. Google will always change or update its search results to make sure that they have enough ammo to deal with the constant evolution of searches and questions that people ask.
  • And just how Matt changes his shirt’s graphics on the video, techniques used by spammers to spread non-sense pages are also evolving in a really speedy manner. This is why Google needs to adapt to change and update their search results.

In order to do better search engine optimization, you should:

  • Use more keyword phrases. Part of ensuring an effecting Google search is the use of keywords compared to just sticking with a single word. Phrases can widen the search, thus increasing the percentage of your page being part of the search results. Remember to use relevant keywords.
  • Appropriate keyword density is also a must. This will ensure that you do not go overboard with the insertion of keywords in your page contents. Google will most definitely check if specific keywords occur more often than others in a site’s content.
  • Practice the One Subject, One Page policy. This means that a page should not have more than one subject so as not to confuse the search engine.
  • There should always be a different title in every page. This is obvious, how can Google include your page in their search results if your page is not properly named.