#1 ranking for keyword “SEO Singapore”

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#1 ranking for keyword “SEO Singapore”

Impossible.sg is ranked #1 for keyword "seo singapore"

We are proud to share that we are ranked page 1 number 1 for another competitive keyword “SEO Singapore”.

Why target keyword “SEO Singapore”?

If you been to our Internet Marketing Course, you would understand that identifying the right keyword/keywords is one of the key to online marketing success. Imagine if you ranked on top of Google with keyword/keywords that have low or no searches, your incoming enquiries will be minimum.

As per Google Adwords Keyword Planner, keyword “SEO Singapore” has an average monthly searches of 1900.
As per Google Adwords Keyword Planner, keyword “SEO Singapore” has an average monthly searches of 1900.

The trend of keyword “SEO Singapore”?

It is also important not to focus on keyword/ keywords that are on a declining trend. This is to ensure demand remains strong in future.

As per Google Adwords Keyword Planner, keyword “SEO Singapore” trend is quite consistent. On the month of October 2013, it hit a high volume searches of 3500.
As per Google Adwords Keyword Planner, keyword “SEO Singapore” trend is quite consistent.
On the month of October 2013, it hit a high volume searches of 3500.

Again we are ranked top of Google SEO results for extremely competitive keywords.
Why? Because we really know SEO. =)


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