Chin Chuan latest update – 48k monthly traffic to his website

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Chin Chuan latest update – 48k monthly traffic to his website

Chin Chuan attended Impossible Marketing SEO training 6 months ago. He only got time to build his website in October 2014. Now his website generates about 48k monthly traffic monthly. He is cashing in on his sales conversion and also Google Adsense.

This is what he says:

“Within this past 3 months, I realise my traffic increased to around 48k from nothing. Now I am making money from Adsense and sales conversion. I highly recommend Alan’s course.”
– Chin Chuan, business owner

YouTube video

Lets recap Chin Chuan 1st testimonial after attending our SEO class.

“Alan offers very practical and good tips on SEO ranking. I learnt a lot and he really spend his dedicated time to coach everyone. Can’t wait to try out the tips.”
– Chin Chuan 1st testimonial to our principal trainer, Alan Koh

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