How to guest blog without it appearing like paid links?

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How to guest blog without it appearing like paid links?

YouTube video

This video talks about guest blogging and how you can make it appear as if you did not pay for getting such links but got them rather due to good reputation and high quality of content.

Let’s look at some of the major things regarding which the video talks:

  • Whenever the Google Web Master’s manual team gets a spam report, they dig into it and usually the manual team is able to see a pretty clear distinction between a casual guest blog versus those posts for which someone is paying for the links (on large scale sometimes).
  • So, how do you normally spot the difference? Well, normally if someone has paid for the guest post (and the links) then it is quite likely that the post is off-topic, irrelevant blog post that doesn’t really goes with the subject (or niche) of the blog itself and you will see keyword rich anchor text.
  • Whereas, someone who works on a genuine blog post is usually an expert in that matter (hopefully). Moreover, there’s a paragraph regarding the author (author bio) and why did you invite them on your blog and that guest blogger won’t drop a lot of keyword rich anchor text to get links.
  • So, it is interesting because you can see a spectrum of quality among these posts. There are these paid links like ‘Buy cheap Viagra etc.’ or regarding Article Marketing by someone who is not even related to the blog but just simply puts keyword rich anchor text in their author bio.
  • On the other hand, you have a guest blogging which can be low on quality and there has been a recent trend where most of the guest blogs are of low quality (but they are genuine) and there can also be those high quality posts by someone who is really experienced in their niche and you want their opinion of your blog’s audience which is also related to your blog’s theme.
  • So, when we (webmaster manual spam team) look at these spam complaints, we are able to see this variation of quality among the posts which gives us an idea whether something is organic and of high quality which deserves better or is it something that is just spam.

So, what you should do in order to get better SEO ranking in SERP (search engine results page)?

  • A word of caution would be to not work like those people who are just spinning the articles (not even unique content) and spraying out to every other person and praying that their post gets accepted.There are lots of complaints regarding it as well and this is not at all recommended tactic.
  • Guest blogging should be something that is done on a moderation basis rather than making it a full-time job. It should be done on the side with other techniques to promote your site.
  • So, usually it is not that difficult to distinguish between a genuine guest blog and a post that has keyword rich anchor text (spamming) and even if a genuine post is close to something ‘like’ spam then those links are not considered regardless of the post’s quality.