Tag: google analytics

COVID-19: 7 Ways to Adapt Your Digital Marketing Strategy

As the digital world continues being flooded with news of the global COVID-19 pandemic, businesses are expected to deal with difficult decision making for their online presence and digital campaigns. When a pandemic is forecasted…

A Small Business Owner? Here Are 10 Vital Social Media Tips

50% of your leads are going to come from social media. Whether it is from Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn – it doesn’t really matter. It is hard to ignore the fact that social media has…

6 Useful Tips To Get Closer To Accurate SEM Forecasting

SEM forecasting is often rife with uncertainty. It’s tough not to harbour doubts about the accuracy of your guess at times – especially when it has the potential of directly impacting your bottom line. With…

5 Ways To Fully Optimise Your SEM Campaigns With AI

Does your current SEM campaign spark joy? It’s no longer safe to ignore the increasing presence of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and machine learning in the digital space. AI, or machine learning, is essentially uses a…