The benefits of using Google analytics for any business

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The benefits of using Google analytics for any business

The benefits of using Google analytics for any business

Every once in a while, I get products following me wherever I go online especially when I am using my PC. Businesses with the help of proprietary or open source analytic tools have mastered the ability to understand their customers better. Although most of the major vendors or those grounded on purposeful trading use cookies to be able to serve their products to customers specifically. Google analytics is a freely offered tool by Google that can be employed by any business to monitor the progress and performance of their websites. In addition to conscious strategic online marketing endeavors and useful tools, Google analytics plays a major role in providing real time and tangible data to businesses.

Of course, businesses use this free tool with good reason. There are arguments and counter arguments on the benefits of using Google analytics or premium analytics tools such as Kissmetrics – that’s a topic for another day.

Here are some of the benefits associated with Google analytics:

Track your social media marketing

As it is, websites represent the office or shop if you like for any a type of business – whether it is an online business or offline business. Then social media can be regarded as the malls where people hang around. Therefore, in order for your social media marketing to be successful, you need to find them at their social gatherings and take them back to the website. Unlike traditional marketing, you can easily measure the customer insights through tools such as Google analytics. Basically, Google analytics will give you the analysis of your entire visitor’s roaster, social media pages performance plus the hard monetary facts on each conversion.

With such information, you can easily alter your social media marketing to suit the business needs as per the social media pages performance. For instance, you can analyze the performance of a Facebook ad thereby improving it next time.

Keep tracks of mobile usage by visitors on your site

More and more people are turning to their handheld devices such as smartphones to access the internet. And this can be further reiterated by the fact that major controlling tech companies are shifting their focus to mobile. Understandably, any business worth its mettle should be headed the same way. Google analytics is the tool you need to analyze the composition of your website to put a figure to the generally held assumptions.

Once you have the facts it’s easier to tune your site to fit that demographic especially when you realize they form the majority of your websites visitors.

Helps you determine the conversion rate on your site

If you don’t understand how your website is performing then it’s pretty obvious that you are not making much progress. Comprehending the concept of conversion rate on websites is critical to the growth of any business. You need to keep track of the traffic demographics, the origin of the visitors, the key terms that brought them to your site and the bounce rate.

Google analytics provides all these details and in a broken down format easy to understand. You will also get these figures highlight a particular period of time.

In a nutshell, Google analytics offers great and useful consumer insights that can be applied to boost sales for the business. Another benefit associated with Google analytics is that it is free for use by any business.